Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Totally Transparent Watercolor Award

I am a member of the Tennessee Watercolor Society.  In 2006 I saw the biennial exhibit of TnWS and knew that this was the group I wanted to join.  The paintings I saw in that show were the best I had seen in Tennessee.  TnWS has five chapters and presents an exhibition every two years, hosted by one of the chapters.  I have had paintings in every show since I became a member: 2008 in Knoxville; 2010 in Chattanooga; 2012 in Memphis; and 2014 in Franklin, TN, hosted by the Nashville chapter.  In 2012 in Memphis I received my signature status, but had never earned an award.  This year in Franklin the juror, Pat Dews, awarded my painting "Dogwood Fall Foliage" the Totally Transparent Watercolor award.  I am happy and honored to have earned a place among artists I admire.

"Dogwood Fall Foliage"
28" x 20"

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